Parasail Vessels
Guidelines and Safety Precautions
- Prior to commencing operations of a parasailing vessel, the operator shall make a thorough inspection of all parasailing equipment to be used to ensure the equipment is safe for operation. Equipment includes, but is not limited to ropes, harnesses, webbing, clips, shrouds, canopies, winch controls and the vessels;
- The operator shall ensure that all persons whilst parasailing wear a personal flotation device approved by SLASPA
- The operator shall ensure that no person under the age of 18 years is permitted to parasail without the written consent of their parent or guardian; and that any person under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an adult on the parasail
- The owner shall ensure that a person with basic seamanship training is onboard to act as a lookout and monitor the operation whilst conducting parasailing activities;
- The operator shall ensure that all persons involved in conducting the parasailing is adequately trained and experienced for the duties the person performs
- The rope used in parasailing must be replaced after one year, provided that the rope is not frayed or damaged and that 6 inches is cut off at the earlier of - two(2) weeks after its first use; OR the completion of 400 parasail flight
- The length of the rope used shall not exceed the maximum length specified by the harness's manufacturer The winch rope used for parasailing purposes shall have a minimum breaking strain of 4800 pounds