The Caribbean Air Transport Connectivity Project is established and administered by the World Bank, through funding by the International Development Association (IDA). It involves four Caribbean islands namely; Haiti, Grenada, Dominica and St. Lucia. The overall aims are: improving Air Transport Safety, through compliance with emerging international standards, enhancing resilience of airport infrastructure to natural disasters and supporting informed planning of airport infrastructure
The CATCOP project will address keys issues at St. Lucia’s facilities of George FL Charles Airport (Castries) in the north and Hewanorra International Airport (Vieux Fort) in the south.
These include:
These include:
Vulnerability to extreme weather conditions
Increasing operational efficiency
Disaster response and mitigation
Civil Aviation Safety and institutional strengthening

Project Implementation Unit
1.Project Manager
Responsibilities include work planning; resource scheduling; technical oversight and coordination; financial management; procurement oversight and coordination; and communications management
2.Environmental and Social Specialist
Must ensure that the environmental and social needs of the Caribbean Regional Air Transport Project (CATCOP) in Saint Lucia are met and adhered to in compliance with local and the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standards.
3.Procurement Officer
Responsible for the procurement of goods, services, equipment, and the negotiating of contracts for such goods, equipment, and services in line with the needs of the Caribbean Regional Air Transport Connectivity Project in Saint Lucia.
4.Air Navigation System Specialist
Provide specialist technical support for the Caribbean Regional Air Transport Connectivity Project (CATCOP), which involves investments in safety, operational, and climate/disaster resilience improvements for St. Lucia’s air transport sector.
5.Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
Coordinate the monitoring and evaluation aspects and compliance requirements of the Caribbean Air Transport Connectivity Project (CATCOP) in Saint Lucia.
6.Airport Infrastructure Specialist
Provide specialist technical and engineering support for the Caribbean Regional Air Transport Connectivity Project (CATCOP), which will involve investments in safety, operational, and climate/disaster resilience improvements for St. Lucia’s air transport sector.
Through phased-in approaches, all these areas will be augmented—to enhance already commissioned works on these existing facilities.